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  ljifo ;"rL
      d'Vo k[i7
      ;dfrf/ ;+If]k
        Kff7s k|ltlqmof


Kff7s k|ltlqmof

tkfO{sf] k|ltlqmof g]kfnLdf k7fpg'xf]; Submit Your Feedback


Dear editor,
The Nepali Post has been able to contribute to intellectual discussions in favor of establishing "Loktantric Ganatantra" or peoples' democracy in Nepal. Congratulations for moving towards a progressive direction! I read Nepali Post regularly and mostly find positive articles and discussions about the liberation of the country.
Emphasis should also be given to publication of criticisms of the ideas coming nationally and internationally, mainly from the U.S. leaders who are still against people's democracy in Nepal and express their views that compromise with the feudal system. They are pressing the king and parliamentary parties to join hands. These old ideas are harmful for the country and ultimately support the feudal system.
The recent elaboration of "Loktantrik Ganatantra" by the CPN(M) leaders has clarified their stand on peoples' democracy. It may require further expiation through views/articles. This is felt necessary to make understandable to those who are still in great confusion about the Peoples' War in Nepal.
How the international powers have been labeling it as "terrorist activities", they might now feel it is hard to justify. They should understand that it is the people's right to liberate the country from feudalism. If liberation comes from peaceful means such as the CPN(M) proposal for a constitutional assembly, there is no need for the armed struggle to continue forever.
Therefore, the present need in the country is to eliminate the "Raja-Rajauta" system forever and free the Nepalese people from the claws of feudalism.
It is not enough fighting only with guns as CPN(M) is doing, but the political isolation and attack on the feudal system is also equally important.
Now, all the ideas and discussions should be centered against the feudal system and its puppets who are using the country's resources and creating a dark future for the Nepalese people. Only after a new political system is established, can there be peace and development in the country. Development will bloom with efforts from all corners only in the new system. This is just a matter of time. We have seen how the developed countries have lifted their standards after the second world war in a short period. Nepal is not poor but we are living in a poor system !!
Now, the good wishers and intellectuals abroad should center their views on bringing all the political and non-political forces in favor of a new democratic Nepal.
Although the activities of the parliamentary parties are still doubtful, more pressure should be put on them to work in favor of the people. Otherwise, there are always loopholes that they may join hands with feudalism at any time. Criticism of the parliamentary parties should be based on their ideological ground at this juncture, not on their past deeds. The feudal system may try to create confusion among the people. Warning them not to join hands in any case with feudalism should always be given high priority. Good luck and hope to read such articles.

Krishna P Aryal
Geotechnical Engineering Division
Department of Civil and Transport Engineering
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NTNU
Høgskoleringen 7a, Gløshaugen
Trondheim, Norway , N - 7491

;/fxgLo sfo{

dnfO{ nfU5-cfkm" hGd]sf] wtL{ / cfkm\gf] o'u e'Ng]x? ;+;f/sf c3f]lift d[tsx? x'g\ . ljutb]lv g} b]zaflx/ cd]/Lsfaf6 g]kfnsf] :jtGqtf, d'lQm, nf]stGq, dfgjclwsf/ / dfgjtfsf kIfdf g]kfnL kf]i6n] v]n]sf] e"ldsf ;/fxgLo 5 . jt{dfgdf km]l/ Pp6f cfjfh j'nGb ul/lbof] dfgjtfsf k'hf/L s[i0f kxf8Lsf] efFlrPsf] snd k|sfzg u/]/ . To;}n] xflb{s clegGbg clg clejfbg g]kfnsf d / dx?sf] tkm{af6 . :j]R5frf/L, tfgfzfxL, lg/+s'z ;Qfaf6 aGbL agfOPsf dfgjclwsf/, :jtGqtf, nf]stGq / dfgjtfsf kIfkflt kxf8Lsf ljrf/ / bz{gldl>t cfjfhx?nfO{ Pslqt u/L ;fd"lxs agfpg] sfd g]kfnL kf]i6n] ul/lbg' xfd|f nflu uf}/jsf] s'/f xf] . jf:tjdf cfh oL cfjfh xfd|f cfjfh ag]sf 5g\ . dfgjtfsf cfjfh clg o'usf cfjfh alg/x]5g\ . PSsfO;f+} ztfAbLdf ljlwsf] zf;gleq dfgjLo ;jf{]Rrtf rfxg] :jfledfg g]kfnLsf] lz/ em's]sf] a]nf g]kfnL kf]i6 86sdn] km]l/ lz/ p7fpg] sfd u/]sf] 5 . dfG5]sf] nfz dflyaf6 zflGtsf] 9f]n km'Sg]x? nfjfn:s/ eP/ lk5nu' eO/x]sf] kl/k|]Iodf cfPsf] efFlrPsf] sndn] tfgfzfxL /Qmlkkfz'sf] w8\sg xNnfpFb} dfgjLo ;jf}{Rrtfsf] nflu d'lQmsf] cfjfh af]lnlbPsf] 5 . km]l/ d eG5' of] s[lt Pp6f rfxgfsf] o'u xf] / o;sf] k|sfzg o'ufGtsfl/ sfo{ xf] . cfzf 5, ef]lnsf lbgx?df klg o:t} kljq sfo{x? u/]/ ;d'Ggt nf]stflGqs u0ftGqfTds gofF g]kfn lgdf{0ffy{ g]kfnL kf]i6 / o;sf kl/jf/ slxNo} kl5 kg{] 5}g .

u+ufw/ clwsf/L …lrGtgÚ
sf7df8f}+, g]kfn .

;[hgfTds sfd ug]{tkm{ ;f]rf}+

g]kfnLkf]i6 86sd jf:tjdf ljb]zdf a:g] g]kfnLx?sf] Pp6f ;femf rf}tf/Lsf] ?kdf :yflkt ePsf] 5 . d of] qmlds ?kdf k9\g] ub{5' . :jtGq ljrf/x? /fVg] Pp6f dfWod ePsf] 5 . g]kfnL kf]i6 86sd . clxn] b]zsf] jt{dfg kl/l:yltdf g]kfnLx? dfem of] ;"rgf / ;~rf/sf] e/ kbf]{ dfWod aGg k'u]sf] 5 . o;}n] ;+;f/sf ljleGg b]zdf k'u]sf g]kfnLx?4f/f g]kfnLkf]i6 86sd k9]/ cfcfkm\gf] k|ltlqmofx? k|s6 u/]sf] ;xh?kdf k9\g kfOG5 .
g]kfndf h] hlt /fhgLlt wf/x? 5g\ tL ;a}sf] sndx? g]kfnLkf]i6sf] 5ftLdf lgw{Ss;Fu c6fPsf] 5 . of] g} g]kfnLkf]i6sf] ljz]iftf klg xf] . o; lglDt ;fFRr} g} g]kfnLkf]i6sf ;Dkfbsd08n wGojfbsf kfq 5g\ . d]/f] xflb{s z'e]R5f klg pxfFx?nfO{ o;} snddfkm{t\ 6qmfpFb5' .
;fy} ljZj dfglrqsf] h'g;'s} s'gfdf /xg'ePsf g]kfnLx? h;nfO{ g]kfnsf] lau|bf] ;k|bf] cj:yfn] knkn dgnfO{ 5f]O/xG5 tL k|To]s g]kfnLnfO{ d]/f] Gofof] clejfbg ;lxt Ps cfXjfg ug]{ OR5f k|s6 ub{5' .
Tof] s] eg], ca xfdLn] xfd|f cg'ej, ;Lk / ljrf/x?nfO{ ldn]/ ;fd'lxs ?kn] ;dfh / b]zsf nflu klg s'g} ;[hgfTds sfd ug]{tkm{ ;f]rf}+ . ljz]if u/L hf] cd]l/sf, hfkfg / o'/f]lkog b]zx?df a;L sfd ug]{ g]kfnLx? 5g\ . ta dfq tL b]zx?df a;]sf] ;fy{stf klg b]lvG5 gq b]zldq u/LaLsf] /]vfd'gL n'd|] em'd|] eP/ lhGbuL u'hfg'{ afWo g]kfnL / cd]l/sf, hfkfg / o'/f]kdf a:g] ;'6]8 a'6]8 g]kfnL aLrsf] km/s g} s] 5 <

dfgwf]h df]Qmfg

I am not sure if I agree with this article in that it is advocating bypassing the Maoists who have been fighting for the republican state for the last ten years. Homraj doesn't seem to understand the fact that it will be difficult to label "violent" if other political parties join the Maoists. If this does not happen, the King will ignore the parties and rule the country for another 30 years. The only way to challenge the King is to establish a working relationship with the Maoists (tit for tat). The whole international community including India and the USA will definitely not in a condition then to support the King's movement. Once this military rule is faced with the help of Maoists, and then the people will decide whom to reward by means of an election. We should always remember that we should not disagree even if the political balance is heavier in favour of Maoists because they have lost their thousands of comreds for the cause of Nepal and Nepali. All we want is republic Nepal and the process towards this becomes faster with the help of Maoists, why hesitate to accept their leadership?

Melbourne, Australia

g]kfnaf6 knfog eO ljb]zdf ef}lts ;'v ef]uL a:g] tkfOx? h:tf slyt a'lWbhLjLx?nfO g]kfnLsf] kL8f s] yfxf< xfdL g]kfnLsf] nflu clxn] k|hftGq ;|hftGq x}g zflGt rflxPsf] 5, af+Rg] clwsf/ rflxPsf] 5. k|hftGq k|ltsf] cf]7] elQm====== ef] ca k'Uof]. g]kfnsf lt/:s[t g]tfx?n] k|hftGqnfO s'?k t'NofP em}{ tkfOx? klg xfd|f] rx/\ofO /x]sf] 3fpdf g'g r's 5b}{ x'g'x'G5. k|hftGq t ef]ln klg Nofp+nf t/ b]z} l5Gg leGg eP s] ug]{< dfcf]jfbLn] Ps kl5 csf]{ ub}{ ;a}nfO v]nfO /x]sf] cj:yfdf sf]xL g sf]xL b]z hf]ufpg cl3 ;g}{ kYof]{. /fhf ;/] a]z} eof]. c/fhstf klg xb} eof] g]kfndf. Ps lbg lj/fP/ g]kfn aGb ug]{ . kqklqsf ;+rf/ dfWod klg cf}lw 5f8f eP. ;fgf] ;fgf] s'/fnfO klg 7"nf] agfP/ hgtfsf] qf; a9fpg] sfd dfq u/] ltgn]. dfcf]jfbLsf] dgf]an a9fpg] t/ ;'/Iffansf] v;fNg] u/]/ crfSnL c/fhstf a9fpg k'u], hfgL ghfgL. o:tf] klg sxL+ rN5< s] /fli6|o ;'/Iffsf lj?Wb cf+r cfpg] sfd eof] eg] cd]/LsL ;/sf/ r'k nfu]/ a;]sf] kfpg' x'G5< Ps rf]l6 cd]l/sLx?sf] wf/0ff a'em\gf]; t ,k|hftGq / /fli6|o ;'/Iff dWo] Ps /f]hg' k/\of] eg] s] /f]Hnfg\< t;y{ j:t'jfbL x'g'k/\of]. s]jn /fhfnfO dfq bf]ifsf] ef/L af]sfpg' cl3 ljrf/ ugf]{; t, b]pjf ;/sf/ ;+u jftf{df a:g OGsf/ u/]/ dfcf]jfbLn] /fhfnfO clwsf/ s]lGb|t ug{ xf}:ofPsf x}gg\< clg ;w}{ s';L{ dfq tfSg] g]tfx? r}{ ca km]l/ k|hftGqsf dl;xf x'g] eP x}g< wGo 5 xfd|f] g]kfn / wGo 5g\ g]kfn dftfsf ;Gtfgx?.

k|sfz dflgs
9fOsf]l6 d'6', sf7df08f},g]kfn xfn c/a

>L dfg ;Dkfbs Ho"

;j{ k|yd ;Dk"0f{ g]kfnL kf]i6 sf l6d ;b:ox?nfO{ d]/f] clejfbg ;lxt w]/} w]/} z'esfdgf 5 . g]kfn af6 6f9f ljb]zdf a;]/ klg ;+rf/sf] dfWod af6 cfkm'nfO{ g]kfn / g]kfnL ;Fu ghlbs /fVg' ePsf]df oxf x?nfO{ w]/} w]/} wGoafb 5 . d klg ef/tdf k|jf;L g]kfnL ;+3 -ef/t_ df /x]/ ;flxTo ljefudf sfo{/t /x]sf] x'bf . xfdLn] klg oxFf af6 kq klqsfx? / g]kfnsf tfhf 36gfqmd x?nfO[ k|jf;L g]kfnL x? ;dIf k'/fpg] u/]sf 5f} . xfn g]kfndf km]/L klg k|hftGq df:g] / g]kfnL x?sf] :jtGqtf dfyL k|Zg lrGx v8fpg] sfd efO{ df/f 1fg]Gb| af6 ePsf] 5 . cfhf sf g]kfnL eg]sf @! cf} ;tfAbLsf g]kfnL x'g / b]z af6 hlt 6f9f eP klg b]z / hgtfsf] lgDtL ;+3if{ ug]{ 5f} / cfkm\gf] cfjfh PseP/ p7fpg] 5f} eGg] k|jf;L g]kfnL ;+3 -ef/t_ sf] cfJxfg /x]sf] 5 / o:tf] ;+s6sf] cj:yfdf ;a} k|jf;L g]kfnL x? ldn]/ h;/L x'G5 o; tfgfzfxL sbd k|lt 3f]/ lgGbf ug kb{5 . xfdL klg oxf af6 /\ofnL x? lgsfn]/ 1fg]Gb| sf] sbd k|lt / p;sf] rfxgf / of]hgf nfO{ g]kfnL hgtfn] cjZo rsgfr'/ kfg]{ 5 . k~rfotL Joa:yf #) aif{ rNof] / of] klg rNg] 5 eGg] ;kgf b]v]sf] eP Tof] 1fg]Gb\ tyf /fhtGqsf] df;Lg] af6f] nfu]sf] eGg] nfUb5 .

ch'{g nf}8f/L ef6
ld/ld/] hg ;flxTo ;Ff:s[lts ;ldlt
k|jf;L g]kfnL ;+3 -ef/t _ r]Gg}

I read your news for the first time because I was unaware of this Newssites.I found the news very balanced and having the critical analysis of the present situation.What king did in Nepal is really condemning and It does not help neitherfuture of Nepal nor Monarchy Per se.The censorship of Media and suspension of various Freedom is really disgusting in this era.I wish this magazine will fulfill that gap and provide correct news in time.Editor,you should not forget that the promotion of democracy and guarantee of human rights can shape the better future of Nepal and can ensure,press development.I wish you will understand the need of time and priority will be on such news which can not find any place in nepali media inside nepal due to the censorship.I wish you all the best.

Rajib Dahal

tkfOx?sf] j]a;fO6n] dfcf]jfbL cfttfoLx?nfO cgfjZos ?kdf lx/f] agfpg] sfd u/]sf] 5. ;+;f/n] 3[0ff u/]sf] kf]nkf]6nfO ;d]t dfy ug]{ logsf s[ofsnfknfO a}wflgstf lbg] sfd hfgL ghfgL x'+b}5 eGg] s'/f a'emg' k/\of]. s]jn /fhfk|lt Psf]xf/f] ljifjdg ug]{ t/ dfcf]jfbLsf] km'6fp / kmfObf p7fpsf] l;WbfGt a'em\g g;Sg] g]kfnsf dGba'lWb ePsf g]tfx?em}{ tkfOx? klg ghfgLsg} k|of]u eO /xg' ePsf] t 5} g< dfcf]jfbLn] lx+;f, hah{:tL k};f p7fpg], / km/s ljrf/sf] bdg ug]{ sfd aGb gu/] ;Dd pgLx? jf/]sf] ;dfrf/ alx:sf/ ug{' ;xL sbd xf]nf ls. jf:tjdf /fhfnfO ;s[o agfpgdf pgLx?n] g} cxd e"ldsf v]ln /x]sf 5g\ lg, x}g /<

k|sfz dflgs
a}/fuL dfOnf, b'aO, o"PO

ljb]zdf a;]/ klg cfkm\gf] b]zsf] af/]df hfgsf/L kfpg rf;f] /fVg[] ;Dk"0f{ k|jf;L g]kfnLx?nfO{ h'g lsl;dsf] OG6/g]6 klqsf k|sfzg ug'{ ePsf] 5 o;sf nflu wGojfb lbg rfxG5f}+ .
ljut s]xL ;dob]lv g]kfnsf] cfGtl/sf /fhgLlts cj:yf cToGt lrGtfhgs / bolgo /x]sf] 5 . ;Qdf a:g]x? ;w} e|i6 / gftfjfb, s[kfjfbdf nfu]/ ax'bnLo Joj:yfsf] b'?kof]u ugf{n] g} cfh ;Dk"0f{ g]kfnL hgtfnfO{ k|hftGq ;d]t g/fd|f] Jofj:yf /x]5 eGg] efg kg{ yfln;Sof] .
O/fsdf h'g lsl;daf6 lgbf]{if g]kfnLx?sf] cdfgljo tl/sfaf6 xTof ul/of] h;sf] b'jOdf a:g] ;Dk"0f{ g]kfnLx? klg lrlGtt /x]sf 5g . ;/sf/sf] nfk/jfxL / pbfl;gtfsf sf/0f g} of] 36gf x'g uPsf] xf] . h;sf] lhDd]jf/ ;/sf/ / /fhf b'j}n] lng' kb{5 . hgtfsf] ;'/Iffsf] lhDdf lnPsf jt{dfg ;/sf/ k|d'v z]/axfb'/ b]pjf / hgtfsf] b'v b]Vg g;Sg] jt{dfg /fhf 1fg]Gb|n] s'g} ;fg]f kxn u/s]f eP ;fob of] 36gf 36g] lyPg xf]nf . g]kfnLx? ljb]zdf kqmfp kl/;s]kl5 cfk;df g} lsg k7fOof], s;n] k7fof] eg]/ ;donfO{ v]/ kmfNg'sf] ;§f Pp6f k|ltlglw d08n O/fsdf k7fpg ;s]sf] eP / cGo b]znfO{ jf dfgjclwsf/jfbLx? cGt/fli6"o ;+3 ;:yfnfO{ u'xf/]sf] eP of] x'g] lyPg . h;sf] lgDd]jf/f ;/sf/ / /fhf x'g\ .
dfcf]jfbL ;d:of z'?jft ePb]lv b]zsf] cy{tGq g/fd|/L k|efljt ePsf] 5 . ;/sf/L pBf]ux? /fhgLlts kf6L{sf g]tfx? / ei6 ;/sf/L dGqLx?n] h;/L phf8 / tx; gx; kf/] To;} u/L JolQmut pB]fu wGbf klg dfcf]jfbL ;d:ofsf] z'?jft ;Fu} ljlng x'Fb} uP . To;kl5 g} g]kfnsf] jt{dfg cy{tGqdf ljb]zL /f]oN6Ln] wfg]sf] s'/f cy{dGqL / k|wfgdGqLn] jf/Daf/ eGb} cfPsf] s'[/f xf], t/ of] /f]oN6L s;/L cfp+5 ltlgx?nfO{ ;Dk"0f{ hfgsf/L x'Fbf x'Fb} klg ljb]zdf /x]sf] g]kfnLx?nfO{ ;'/Iffsf] Uof/]G6L lbg g;Sg' ;/sf/sf] uDeL/ lhDd]jf/ ljxLg sfo{ xf] . o;sf] nflu jt{dfg ;/sf/n] tTsfn /fhgLgfdf lbg' kb{5 .
b]zdf ;d]t vfg nfpg / pknAwL k|ltkmn kfpg g;s]/ h'g tl/sfaf6 o'jfx? ljb]z knfog ePsf] 5g of] lhDd]jf/ klg ax'bn cfPkl5 ;/sf/df a:g] kf6L{{ / hgtfsf] b'v b]Vg g;Sg] /fhf b'j}n] lng' kb{5 . b]zdf a;/]/ xf]Og, Psk6s xfdL h:tf] ;fdfGo sfdbf/ eP/ ljb]zdf a:of] eg] yfxf x'G5 b]zsf] dfof slt x'G5 eg]/ < clzIff , a]/f]huf/L / c1fgtfdf /f]dlnPsf nfvf}+ hgtfdfly /fh / zf;g ug{ hlt ;lhnf] 5, a'em]sf hgtfdfly ug{ TolQ g} ufx|f] x'G5 .
cGTodf, #! cu:tdf k|sflxt ljz]if ;DkfbsLo clt g} pTs[i6 nfUof] . b]zn] clxn] ef]Ug' k/]sf] ;f/f ;d:of / oyf{ytfnfO{ b]vfpg' ePsf] /x]5 . o;sf nflu w]/} w]/} wGojfb lbg rfxG5f}+ . cfpFbf lbgx?df klg cGo vf]h d"ns / hfgsf/Ld"ns ;dfrf/x? k|sflzt ub}{ hfg'xf]nf eGg]cfzf u/]sf 5f} =.

/ljnfn vgfn nufot ;Dk"0f{ b'jO{jf;L g]kfnLx?
kf]i6 aS; g+= @**$$, b'jO, o' P' O

;Dkfbs Ho"
d o; j]a ;fO{6 k|fo 8]nL h:t} x]5'{ To;df klg ljz}if u/L ;flxlTos v'/fsx? t/ cGo kf6f]x? ljlzi6 x'+bf x'b} klg
slxn] slx sfnf] nfO{ sfnf] / ;]tf] nfO{ ;]tf] eGg lxlRsrfp+bf eg] ;fx|} Gof;|f] nfU5.
ljz]if t ;flxTosf] uhn ljwfnfO{ oxf+ phfu/ ug{ vf]Hof xf] sf/0f uhh gfd lbO{ kmhn 5flkObf eg] lgSs} gdHhf
nfu]sf] 5 . sf/0f lgodj4 ?kdf n]lvg] uhn nfO{ oxf+ h:tf] kfof] To:t} ?k lbOPsfnfO{ klg uhn elg 5f+lkbf eg]
uhn k|]dLx?sf] dg df wSsf nfU5 .
To;}n] s[kof uhn gfdfs/0f u/L 5flkOg' eGbf klxn] sflkmof / /lbkmnfO{ slDtdf klg Wofg lbOof];\ clg ;Dk"0f{ uhn uf] ldq
x? xfdL klg ;s] ;Dd uhn nfO{ kmhn sf] ?k glbOPdf j]; xf]nf .

lg/h lnDa" , df]/ª


g]kfnL kf]i6sf] ;fv gu'df];\

;Dkfbs dxf]bo
g]kfnL kf]i6n] kl5Nnf lbgx?df cfkm\gf] nf]slk|otf lgs} sdfPsf] lyof],
o;sf/0fsL o;df tfhf ;dfrf/ x'g] ub{Yof] . t/ ca o;sf] nf]slk|otf oxL :t/df /xG5 eGg ;lsb}+g . lsgeg] o;df cfhsfn g]kfnsf tfhf 36gf k9\g kfOb}+g,h'g ljz]ifu/L g]kfn aflx/ a:g] g]kfnLsf nflu rf;f]sf] ljifo x'g ;SYof] .
pbfx/0fsf] nflu o;df sf7df8f}+df ePsf kl5Nnf /fhgLlts, ck/fwsf 36gf, / dfcf]jfbL 4G4sf ;dfrf/ b]Vg kfOPgg\ . afFs]sf] v}/Lvf]nfdf @! hgf k|x/Ln] Hofg u'dfPsf] 36gf o;df gfdf]lg;fg g} ePsf] kfOPg .
To;}n] o:tf tfhf ;dfrf/ /fv]/ g]kfnL kf]i6n] cfkm\gf] ;fv sfod u/f];\ .

cd[t Ps z'e]R5's
sf7df8f}+ g]kfn

kf]i6n] g]kfnL b}lgsx?sf] af6f] c+uLsf/ gu/f];\

tkfO{x?n] ;b'kof]u ug[{' eof] / laZj e/L 5l/Psf xfd|f bfh'efO lbbLalxgLnfO{ Pp6} dfnfdf pGGf] k|oTg ug"eof] . x'g;S5 of] dfnfdf ;a} /+usf km"nx? uf:g ;lsGGf . t}klg h] htL uf+l;P tL ;a} /fd|f 5g\ / xfd|f 5g\ .
xfd|f] df6f]n] x'sf{Psf t/ ul/vfg] 7fp+ gePsf / laZjsf s'gf sGb/fdf xfd|f] klxrfg af]s]/ uPsf xfd|f cfkmGtx?sf] b'v ;'vsf] cfjfhnfO{ kf]i6n] ;d]6\g'k5{ . g]kfnaf6} k|sflzt ePsf b}lgsx?sf] af6f] kf]i6n] clusf/ u/\of] eg] kf]i6sf] p2]Zo k'/f gx'g ;S5 . To;}n] ;d'lGb| lsgf/b]lv c/aL e"dL a]nfotL e"dLb]lv clk|msL d'n's ef/tb]lv dnfof hxfF 5g\ xfd|fx?, ltgLx?nfO ;d]6\g a9L hf]8 lbPdf kf]i6 cem} /fd|f] AfGGf]df b"O{ dt 5}g .
tkfO{+x?sf] :tDedf s[i0f kxf8Lsf cfl6{snx? /fd|f 5g\ . g]kfnaf6, rf}tf/L klg /f]rs 5g\ . cfpFbf lbgdf o;sf] k|ultsf] z'esfdgf .

cg'/fwf kf}8]n
ljBfyL{ ,sf7dfdf8f}+

k|utLsf] sfdgf

g]kfnL kf]i6 kl/jf/
wGoafb Pj+, Gofgf] dfof
ljb]zdf a;]/ klg cfkm\gf] bznfO{ dfof u/]/ xfdL;+u glhs x'g] k|ljlw k|of]u ug'{eof] v';L nfUof] .
cfufdL lbgdf klg b]zsf] l:ylt;DaGwL /fd|f /fd|f hfgsf/L kfpg] cfzf ub{5f} . ha d}n] o;sf]af/]df hfgsf/L kfPF lgoldt x]g{ yfn]sL 5' . dnfO{ cToGt dg k5{ . cfufdL lbgdf o;sf] pTt/f]Tt/ k|utL ;'Gg kfOof];\ . d]/f] z'esfdgf, 5 .

lgnd l3ld/]
sf7df8f}+ g]kfn

d ax'bnLo u0ftGqjfbL x'F

o;} cgnfOg klqsfsf] d] !) sf] rf}tf/Ldf æv'nf kqÆ zLif{sdf k|sflzt d]/f] n]v k9]/ w]/} ;fyLx?n] dnfO{ dfcf]jfbLsf] ;dy{g u/]/ Tof] n]v n]v]sf] xf] ls eg]sfn] kf7sx?nfO{ klg d]/f] ljrf/dfly s'g} e|d gk/f];\ eg]/ of] k|ltlqmof oxfF JoQm u/]sf] 5' .
d]/f] ljrf/df dfcf]jfbL / /fhtGq eg]sf Ps l;Ssfsf b'O{ kf6f x'g\ . g]kfndf /fhtGq / dfcf]jfbL /xGh]n g]kfnL hgtfn] zflGtz'/Iffsf] cfzf /fVg' eg]sf] cfsfzsf] tf/fnfO{ v;fNg' h:tf] eO;s]sf] 5 .
d ax'bnLo u0ftGqdf ljZjf; /fVg] JolQm x'F . d o:tf] Joj:yfsf] ;dy{g ug{ ;lQmg h'g Joj:yfdf Ps bnsf] dfq xfnLd'xfnL x'G5 .
h;n] cfkm\gf 5f]/f5f]/Lx?nfO{ klZrdL d'n'sdf k9\g k7fpF5g\ . klZrdL ;+:s[lt / k|hftGqdf /Dg l;sfpF5g\ t/ c?sf 5f]/f5f]/Lx?nfO{ aGb's af]Sg afWo agfpF5g\ / k|hftGqsf] lj/f]w ug{ nufpF5g\ . x/]s lbg ufF; af;sf] 7]ufg gu/L u[xo'4 ug{ k7fpF5g\ . of] s:tf] kl/aGb xf] ;+embf klg dg rL;f] x'G5 . To:tfx?sf] daf6 s;/L ;dy{g x'g ;Sb5 / <
dfcf]jfbLx? ef/tnfO{ ufnL u5{g\ t/ e"ldut x'g]a]nfdf eg] ef/tlt/} l55{g\ . olb ef/tnfO{ ufnL ug]{x? lsg rLg lt/ hfg ;Sb}gg\ < xfd|f dfcf]jfbL / cNsfObfdf d s'g} km/s b]lVbg lsgsL xfn} cNsfObfsf] Ps ;d'xn] Ps cd]l/sL o'js df/]h:tf] dfcf]jfbLx?n] klg sof}+ lgbf]{if g]kfnL bfh'efO lbbLalxgLsf] Hofg lnO/x]sf 5g\ . h;n] s;}sf] Hofg lbg ;Sb}g eg] To;nfO{ s;}sf] Hofg lng] clwsf/ klg 5}g . dfcf]jfbLx? klg dfgjclwsf/sf] s'/f u5{g\ . s] bz}+df af]sf sf6]h:tf] dflg;sf] Hofg lng' dfgjclwsf/ xf] t < d t o:tf] bnnfO{ ;dy{g u5'{ h;n] hgtfsf] dt kfP/ /fi6| k|d'v kbdf hgtfs} 5f]/f k'/\ofpg ;Sb5 . o;}n] clxn]sf] /fhtGq / dfcf]jfbLtGq x}g b]zdf ax'bnLo u0ftGqsf] cfjZostf 5 o;}df d]/f] klg k"0f{ ;dy{g /x]sf] 5 .

of]u/fh uf}td

Dear Nepalipost Team I visit your website regularly. I am sorry that I am writing this piece in Nepali as I cannot type in Devnagari script. Your website is also a good medium for me to know about friends and dear ones. I read the writings of Manju and Sharad occasionally who were with me in the same class long ago in Tri Chandra college. Recently, I read poems and gazals of my nephew Saswat. I did not know that he already the US! I wish I could contribute my short stories to you. I can do it if you accept the handwritten one. Anyway, my best wishes to you all and many thanks for an excellent job in letting all of us abroad about our country!

Madhuban Paudel
Royal Nepalese Embassy
Abu Dhabi, UAE

Dear Nepalipost Team,
I really appreciate such a nice web based newspaper. I t is in fact interesting as well as knowledgeable online newspaper in nepali. I wise for its further success from the core of my heart! Good luck!!

Aditya Pawan
Kathmandu, Nepal

Dear Neapli Post Team,
Accept my congratulation on this wonderful initiatives.... The coverage is complete and up-to-date.

Rajendra Aryal
Hamburg Germany

I think you will not publish my reaction into your publication. I find you are not working as professional journalist. Your web site is completely biased . You are giving the news and views of anti-government activities only which we always need to filter out. If somebody is biased how can one believe on him. People who are totally biased may enjoy reading your publication but those who like to read the news and views from all sites and analyze hardly like it. It would be better if you cover the news from every dimensions and publish the views of all sort of personalities. If you are not working for professional journalism then I have nothing to say because you can not listen to others who have different ideologies and views than you. Then it would be simply MUKHPATRA of certain typed people or organization.

Sagar Samsher
Munich, Germany

klxnf] k6s ;fyLaf6 of] j]a ;fO6 yfx kfPF . w]/} /fd|f] nfUof] . xflb{s z'esfdgf .

z'lgn kf]v/]n
Ujf+hf], rfOgf

;u/dfyfsf] prfOdf k'uf];\

tkfO{+x?sf] nf]slk|o j]j klqsfn] g]kfndf klxnf]k6s O{ kqsfl/tfaf/] cGt/lqmof sfo{qmd u/]sf] klg ca Ps jif{ k'Ug} nfu]5 . g]kfnL kf]i6 lbgsf] Psk6s gx]/L dnfO{ lrQ} a'em\b}g . oxfFx?n] z'? ug'{ePsf] g]kfnL efiffsf] Okqsfl/tfn] cfufdL lbgdf cem pQf]/Q/ k|ult ub}{ hfg]5 .
g]kfnL kf]i6 ;w}+ ;u/dfyfsf] prfO{df k'uf];\ cfpg] lbgdf cem o;n] ;a} vfn] ;dfrf/x?nfO{ lgZkIf ?kdf k|:t't ub}{ ;+;f/e/ /x]sf kf7sx?sf] dg lhTg ;kmn x'Fb} hfcf];\ . wGojfb

b'uf{ sfsL{

Your latest coverage of various news and various articles were
very interesting and particularly a poem " Shraddangali to late
ambassador" was timely. I have started to read Nepali Post regularly and
find a lot of latest information in various fields. It looks like a
full-fledged Ned newspaper/magazine. Congratulation for the success.

Janardan Mishra
Virginia, USA

I heartly appreciate such attemp, is more popular
in Germany specially the artical from Mr. krishan pahari are more useful
and popular and relevant. He makes sharp comment on such present tendancy. we expect such covering
will, ... us.
So, lets create people mandat and hate extremist, ghiest of panchayat, thapa' pupet govt...
Thanking u in anticipation.

Ajaya Sharma
Dortmund, Germany

tkfOsf] klqsf /fd|f] nfUof] . d o;sf] lgoldt kf7s ePsf] 5' . ljifoj:t'x? /fd|f 5g . w]/} ;dfrf/x? /fhgLlt s]lGb|t ePsf] d}n] kfPsf] 5' tkfOx?n] cd]l/sfdf :yfoL ?kdf j:b} cfPsf / VoftL kfosf JolStTjx?sf] cGtjf{tf / g]kfnL 8fo:kf]/fsf] jf/]df ;d]t n]Vg' eP kqLsf g]kfnLx? jLr cem} k|efjsf/L x'GYof] eGg] nfu]sf] 5 . cGo ljifox? /fdf| 5g . of] kqLsfsf] lg/Gt/tfsf] nflu sfdgf ub{5' .

e'jg]Zj/ zdf{
sflGtk'/ 6]lnlehg , sf7df08f}

Really great web page!! I visit everyday to get links and read news.
But I didn't like your request that we must write our feedback in Nepali. In a way this is good, but for those people like me who can't write Nepali I don't think this is fair. I am so sorry that I can't write nepali. Hopefully you will forgive me!!

Shima Rai
Munich, Germany

Dear editor,
Very nice place.I can read nepali language but I can not write it. So sooooooo sorry.

Sunsari, Nepal

Great work from USA !!

I feel very proud myself to have a Nepalipost online e-news paper. I or we(Nepali Readers) got a very fair news source. Very intellectual & professional job ! please always keep it up .

Sarita Niroula
Karachi, Pakistan

What a wonderful effort !

I am regular visitor of your e-samacharpatra Nepalipost. It is very professonal, healthy, fair & very informative from & for the globe. I am very proud on your publication. No one can bet with this samacharpatra. I spent lots of time with internet. I saw some other downline e-publications outside from Nepal but they are just like business or personal informations. Please makes us happy with sooner publications. I appreciate your efforts !! GOODLUCK forever NEPALIPOST. Thank you.

Sabin GC
Madras, India

Dear editor
I really appreciate to your effort of publishing such a nice web based newspaper. It,s the best online newspaper in nepali i have ever read. Keep it up. I wish we could get more interesting features out of it. Best of luck.

Surendra Mishra
Delft, The Netherlands

Ps hgf ;fyLaf6 tkfOsf] af/]df yfx kfP . v'zL nfUof] . k|jfz ePsf] af6 Pp6f ;fy{s k|of;nfO{ z'esfdgf .

;Gtf]if sf]O/fnf
Ujf+hf, rfOgf

tkfO{+x?sf] ljZjk|l;2 j]j klqsf sf] d klg Ps lgoldt kf7s x'F . klxnf] g]kfnL j]j klqsf To;df klg Joj;flos JolQmx?nflu k/]sf]n] xf] ls o:sf] ljZj;gLotf, lgZkItf / ljgf e]befj ;j}k|lt ;dfg Jojxf/ u/]/ ;To ;fdfu|Lx? j8f] ;'Gb/ 9+un] k|:t'tL ug]{ ePsf]n] xf] dnfO{ of] klqsf gx]/L lbg} hfFb}g . x'g t tkfO{+x?sf k5f}6]x?n] cGo cgnfO{g klqsf klg rnfPsf 5g\ t/ s'g}df klg uxgtf oflg ls tkfO{+x?sf] h:tf] k"0f{tf kfpFlbg . g]kfn Go'h jfx]s ;j} ;:tf :t/sf, Joj;floskg st} gb]lvg] / n]vfOx?klg lgDg :t/sf k|sfzg x'g] j]jklqsfx? 5g\ ,k|sfzg nfU5g\ . tkfO{+x?sf] k|sfzg cToGt uxlsnf] d}n] kfPsf] 5' . o; klqsfdf n]vx? Psbd jf}l4s ;s{nsf dfq cfpF5g\ . slxn] sfxL+ nfU5 of] klqsf st} jf}l4s ju{sf]nflu dfq t xf]Og < o;df dgf]/~hg ;]S;gklg yKbf cem /fd|f] x'GYof] ls h:tf] dnfO{ nfU5 . wGojfb

vu]g jfGtjf
tfOk]O, tfOjfg

cfhsf] kl/kIfdf g]kfnL hgdfg; ;flxTo k|lt cTofGt} pGd"v eP5 . o;} s"/fnfO{ Wogdf /fvL of] OG6/g]6 ;flxToLs klqsf k|sfzg ePsf] d}n] a"em]sf] 5" . o;/L g} cfudL lbgdf of] klqsfaf6 ;do cg'?ksf l;h{gfx? rfVg kOof];\ ;fy} xdLx? h:tf ;flxTofg'/fuLx?sf] ;femf rf}tfl/ aGg ;sf]; eG5" x"b}g / .

P; lk|td
e}/xjf, g]kfn


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