MSSN: an Organization working for a Unknown Disease MS
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic autoimmune, inflammatory neurological disease of the central nervous system (CNS). MS attacks the myelinated axons in the CNS, destroying the myelin and the axons to varying degrees. Although, MS is not a newly recognized disorder of nervous system, but a frequent diagnosis of MS started only 2-3 decades ago. Many epidemiological studies have been performed in Europe, North America, Canada and Australia where the prevalence of MS seems to be high, and recent studies show an increase in the disease prevalence in such regions. The prevalence is thought to be from 0 to 20 per 100,000 populations in Asia-Pacific region. In this part of the world, MS is at large an unknown, under-diagnosed disease in terms of its incidence, prevalence. Till now, no prevalence study has been done in Nepal. Its nature is not well known even in medical person’s knowledge in Nepal. Hence we felt the need of one society which will work for Nepal’s scenario in MS; with this spark of thought the Multiple Sclerosis Society Nepal (MSSN) was formed.
The MSSN is a registered non-profit distributable organization, founded on 2020. It is committed to provide services to ease life of people with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and their families. It is also set to participate in research activities to find the cause and cure for this disease. We as a organization welcome all the MS patients and their families, volunteers, health professionals, doctors to have a membership of this society as this is the only organization in Nepal that supports both MS research and services. MS is the very rare neuro-immunological disease with very less research done and with very limited information about it till date.
To know more about Multiple Sclerosis disease do refer to the article entitled “Multiple Sclerosis: Common People Need to Know” “”.
MSSN is also being certified as Non-Profit Organization, which is working for betterment, well being and progress of Society by Social Welfare Council of Nepal. This organization is solely devoted towards the progress in new researches, well being of patients of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and also other neurological diseases.
Since our founding in 2020, there has been core support from patients and fellow professionals, but due to sudden rise of COVID cases in the months from March till now, us as society has not received any helps which is lagging us from doing further works.
To all the organization working in neurological fields, volunteers and to MS victims, this article aims to introduce for supporting and strengthening the activities for the MS Patients in Nepal.
OUR VISION is to see “Nepal (World) free from MS”
OUR MISSION is to “Introduce, Connect, Join and Empower the MS community for good and positive change”
OUR VALUES “To make a difference we need to work together, we need to think big, always extend your hand to help and most importantly never giving up attitude”
OUR MOTO “Your motivation is our power”
Organization’s Details:
Facebook: @Multiplesclerosisnepal
Twitter: @mssn_nepal
Special Acknowledgement:
Dr. Avinash Chandra, MD Neurology
Fellowship (Multiple Sclerosis), Buffalo University, New York
Founder President, Multiple Sclerosis Society Nepal
Twitter: @avi_neuro