In July of 2029, I finished my freshman year of college
Dear Bruno,
First, thanks for being my friend. How are you doing? Do you still live in Chantilly? How is your brother and family? I hope you are doing well and the same for your family!
Remember how in Mosaic Elementary School we were in the same class in kindergarten, and how we would do those go noodles. I still remember how we made a video for YouTube in 5th grade; I can’t believe we are already adults! Well almost. This is part of my life, and this is a process of me getting into my dream college and I hope you do too!
I wanted to catch you up on some amazing things in my life. In July of 2029, I finished my freshman year of college. I couldn’t believe that I was accepted to Yale University. I had been waiting for this all my life. I know it’s known for biomedical sciences and that’s why it is my dream college because I want to be a doctor when I’m a little older and I graduate.
During July 2028, I was working my heart out on this essay to Yale University and it’s in
New Haven, Connecticut. If you wanted to know what’s been happening after that, well, I have checked the mail for a couple days but a letter from Yale hasn’t come. But today I still need to check my mail, so I am going to go check it BRB. I was so nervous as I opened the mailbox I could feel the sweat dripping from my head, and I heard the creaking of the mailbox. I opened it and I saw the star of the show. It was a letter from Yale University!
I could smell the scent of Crayola Crayons. I guess that’s what Yale smells like. They used a smooth black pen or quill to write the acceptance letter for me. I gently opened the smooth envelope that was covering the letter. I carefully took out the piece of paper trying not to rip it. I could hear the ruffles of the paper as I opened the envelope. I felt anxious. My face soon lit up as I saw the acceptance letter. My dream has come true! Tears filled my eyes and burst out. I felt so happy my heart was beating as fast as lighting.
I told my parents about the acceptance letter, and they were so amazed. They always
wanted me to be successful and try my best. I did just that and now they are proud of me. They were also crying, not sad tears, but tears of joy.
In August 2028, I just started choosing my courses for Yale! I’m choosing doctor courses
like, Health of The Public, Directed Research and Preparing for Doctoral Exams and Prospectus writing. I hope that I get into these courses. I felt so happy and anxious at the same time when picking my courses. The thing I’m most excited for during Yale is when I get my stethoscope.
The day before the first day of college, I just moved into my dorm room in Yale. I felt so happy and sad because I’m not going to see my parents anymore but that’s okay, because I can still call them. The scent was Crayola crayons for some reason, but that’s okay because I have Febreze. There was a clean TV and two comfy couches that felt like cotton candy when I sat on them. My bed was a twin bed and that was like the one I had at my house but something that was different was that there was a TV in my room. There was a kitchen and utensils.
I met my roommate, and I was so happy because it was my friend from elementary school, and it was Mehrish! We said hi to each other. It was kind of awkward because our parents were with us and we
haven’t seen each other in a while. We got used to it, and we started to talk about life and how it was going. I felt nervous at the same time because I thought that she wouldn’t remember me.
We both showed each other our courses and we got some of the same courses, but we both wanted to be something different like Mehrish wanted to be a barista at Starbucks and I wanted to be an Interventional Cardiologist.
We were happy and felt like I was in my very happy stage. We both showed each other our essays we wrote to get into Yale University. Her essay was really nice. I felt like it was a teacher telling me a lesson.
During August of 2028, it the first day of Yale! It was great, but I got into my courses I wanted but also some new ones like, Theology, Medicine, Power, Knowledge, and the Environment: Social
Science Theory and Method.
It was 8:15 and I got breakfast at Heirloom. When I entered a fume of buttery pancakes went straight up my nose. At Heirloom there were wooden tables everywhere. There were fancy salt and pepper shakers on each table and the chairs were covered with soft white sheets. There were colorful flowers everywhere. The curtains were iridescent white. Glass cups were everywhere, and the napkins were folded very nicely.
The menu looked so good! I ordered 2 buttermilk pancakes with blueberries on top. It took about 10 minutes until the waitress came and served me my food. At the time I cotted into the pancake and the knife slid through the puffed and subtle pancake. As I took a bite into the pancake I was
delighted by the soft puffed and buttery pancake. I bit a blueberry and its flavor blasted into my mouth and it was very sweet. I finished it in 5 minutes because that was how good it was.
I also ordered a Fruit Smoothie. The drink was served in a clear luxurious glass cup, and you could see bits of fruit everywhere. The drink was reddish- pink and it looked like it was made of strawberries, but I was pretty sure it wasn’t made of strawberries. When I slurped some of it from the stainless-steel straw it was a delightful drink. It was like a thick puree but with fruits. The small bits of berries were tart and nice, it also tasted like bananas.
Yale was huge! I was almost late because there were a lot of people in the school and there were many different classes. One of the classes was at the tallest level but there were tannish white and tan tiles all over the place. It felt like I was in a palace. The music was calm and like a lo-fi coffee shop playlist.
I started off my day with going to Theology, Medicine, Power, Knowledge in the class we learned about medicine and the medicine we were learning about the allergy medicine known as Claritin. We learned that Claritin had Loratadine and Loratadine is mostly used for allergy medicines. We put Claritin under a microscope and saw-like eyes, and it was very colorful.
The teacher said that we would be learning about different types of religions in theology. We will test our knowledge during knowledge and for power we might be checking our power over things but I’m not sure. We would also do fun games such as bingo and connect four. We would only have this class on Mondays, Wednesdays and Friday. This reminds me of my Middle School Schedule/ because we had blue and gold days and the pattern was like blue, gold, blue, gold, blue…
The room smelled like Clorox wipes, and it had testing tubes and other things. There were microscopes and medicine containers. Cabinets were everywhere and they were filled with more testing
tubes. The ground was ceramic tiles all across the floor and the walls were a pearly white and mint green. There were motivational posters all around the room and one I knew was “Always keep it open” and it had a person and its brain. We also had computers to use online microscopes if some of us don’t know how to use a real one.
I was starving after that class, so I went into the lunchroom/ hall and took out my lunch bag. I packed a creamy peanut butter and jelly sandwich and with it I had a Starbucks Frappuccino. When I took a bite into it, I could feel the soft bread sliding in between my teeth. The peanut butter was thick and tasty. The jelly was berry flavored and it was sliding in my mouth and had a jello consistency, it was very tart and red. My mouth was parched so I took a sip of my Frappuccino. It was creamy and sweet. It had a hint of strawberry.
The dining hall smelled like a mixture of food. There were smooth wooden walls everywhere. The floor was carpeted with designs. There were wooden chairs everywhere and the chairs were leveled. The tables were the same. It reminded me of Heirloom because of the flowers everywhere. The sound was the noise of people chattering with their friends.
After lunch I went to the Environment: Social Science Theory and Method class. We started by learning about the environment and what types of chemicals are in the environment. One of the chemicals is Acrylamide. It is used to make substances called Polyacrylamide and Acrylamide Copolymers. Those substances are used to make plastic. We learned that there used to be no Acrylamide in the environment but because of pollution Acrylamide was one of the chemicals in the environment.
The room was filled up with microscopes and testing plates. There were safety goggles everywhere. There were smooth walls and a tile floor. Flowers were everywhere and watering tools were
next to each flowerpot. It smelled like a flower farm with lavenders everywhere. The desks were separated and spread out.
We were surprised that we would be released to our dorms and apartments early. I was so happy because it was my first day of my dream college and we got an early release! I went to my locker and got my planner to write down my assignments. A whole lot of kids were sprinting to their dorm like they were in elementary school. I also rushed home.
When I entered my dorm room the fumes of Crayola crayons disappeared. It felt like I was at home. I started to write my assignments down in my planner. I finished all my homework, and I was starving! I had Pasta- Roni for dinner because it was easy to make.
I changed into my comfy pajamas and brushed my teeth. I said goodnight to Mehrish. I hopped onto my bed. I made sure that there were no bugs or nasty things in or on my bed. The bed felt soft like a cloud and comfortable. The pillows were covered in silk pillowcases and the bed had a comforter that was pearly white. Soon enough I fell asleep, and I was ready for the next day of college!
Hope you enjoyed what I experienced on the first day of College at Yale University and also some other things!
Lots of love,
(Arya Poudel, 7th grade)

Wow! Arya Nanu.
It is wonderfully written. I am impressed by your writing talent.
Keep on continuing writing. It is one of the best method of expression.
With love
Aunty Kala
Hi Arya,
I love this letter from the future! I can tell from your writing that you are very driven, thoughtful, and insightful. Keep up the great work, and keep on writing – you will continue to get better and better. I know for a fact you will love it at Yale and I will be there when you graduate, and for your white coat ceremony when you start medical school 🙂
With love,
Samip dada
Hi Arya,
I like your smooth and sweet writing style.
Keep continuing your writing, so that you can be popular novelist in future.
wishing you all the best.