At the North Pole, in the glimmering white snow, there was a small red house where you could
see little elves hammering miniature toy trains and the big guy, Santa! Outside the small red
house, there were four reindeer, Christ, Randy, Redolph, and Crisma’s.
Redolph was different, though; he had a shimmering red nose that would glow. He would often
get in trouble wandering around the snowy area, but he just wanted to explore the beauty of the
North Pole. The other reindeer would include him during games, and he would win whenever
they played monopoly.
“Hey, buds! It’s 9:30 PM, and you know what time that is!” Santa calls out to the group of
The reindeer line up in formation, making a soft stomp as they move around in the snow. First
was Redolph, with his soft brown fur and his big antlers that were twice the size of his ears and
his shiny red nose!
Then it was the trio, Christ, Randy, and Crisma’s.
Christ had his raggedy brown fur in a mohawk, and he had his super cool sunglasses on his big
reindeer eyes that shone in the glistening white snow.
Randy was Randy; he had a red Christmas hat on, and he was an average reindeer.
Crisma’s was the only girl out of all the reindeer; she had small antlers and small ears, and her
hair was beautiful. She had big fake lashes on her small reindeer eyes.
Santa grabbed the soft saddles that go over the reindeer, and as he grabbed the leash to attach
to the harnesses and the sleigh, he noticed a little rip in the leash, but he thought it would be
okay because he wanted to deliver presents fast. He put soft red saddles on each of the
CLINK! CLINK! CLINK! CLINK! Santa attached the leashes to the saddles and the sleigh. Santa
left a bag of pixie dust on each reindeer's harness, then sprinkled his glowing pixie dust on all
the reindeer and hopped onto the sleigh right as it started to fly into the air.
They flew through the midnight wind, and the sparkling stars, and Santa delivered the first
presents while flying the reindeer to Aomori City. When they passed over a snowy forest, the
leash ripped, Redolph got loose, the pixie dust was running out, and soon, Plop! Redolph fell
into a pile of snow in the snowy woods.
He started to explore the snowy woods. The snow was soft and shining, and he felt like it was a
comfortable home. He continued to wander around. The big, tall trees had piles of snow on them
big green leaves, covering the sunlight. Redolph traveled for many days until he saw a big
house light up with Christmas lights and more!
The people in the house stared at Redolph’s shiny nose because it made the white snow red.
There was a family in the house.
“I think that' s a wolf,” said one of the kids because it was the last day of winter break, and it was
unusual for a reindeer on the snow on the last day of winter break.
“Oh, that' s bad. Let me call the wolf rescuers,” said one of the parents
Redolph didn’t know what they were saying since he was a reindeer, but then he smelled a
weird smell, smoke. The wolf rescuers told the parents that campfires can attract wolves, so
they started a campfire to take the wolf away.
Redolph could see the orange sparks of the fire with the small clouds of smoke.
Suddenly a log that was on fire started rolling near the tree Redolph was next to.
The tree caught fire right next to Redolph’s eyes; he noticed the bag of pixie dust on his saddle.
CHOMP! He ripped open the bag of pixie dust and spread the glittering gold dust all over him,
and he soared into the sky next to the stars and flew back to the North Pole, frightened as he
watched as the beautiful white snow soon became orange and yellow fires.
When he met all the other reindeer, they cuddled up and hugged him. Then since Santa
understood reindeer languages, Redolph told Santa to get that family a new house for
Christmas and plant more trees!
The parent learned to be careful about what they asked for because the parents asked for the
wolves' rescuers to take away the wolves. The campfire went wrong and burned down a tree,
also burned their house, and if they took away the wolves, then there would be another species
of animals overpopulating and causing them trouble again. Next time, they knew to think of jolly
(Arya Poudel, 7th grade)

Good writing Arya, keep it up !!!
Great holidays story Arya, keep up the good work!
Rabi, Pranita, Prerit and Rahul