Opinion : Feminism
Feminism : the advocacy of women’s rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes.
I think it’s absolutely liberating that feminists speak up for what they believe in , show what they stand for, I believe in equality but there’s a fine line of categorizing everything as an example of being patriarchally oppressed by men, such as saying “tampons were created by a man, making it a rape device” or “girls > guys” that stuff, wack and shows the double standards prominently, it’s about equality and speaking up and informing others, some people use it to oppress the other gender or target men as a whole, that’s nothing but bigotry.
Don’t get me wrong, I say “guys aint shit” all the time, maybe I sound like a hypocrite but looking into that through both perspectives there’s never a WHOLE group at fault, that’s wrong and I don’t consider that true feminism.
I think feminism is very empowering and real, unless it’s being used to an extreme extent making not only the other gender look bad but themselves as well. When something like that comes up, or when someone’s being sexist or trying to do something that shouldn’t be acceptable hell yeah I’ll speak up and do what I believe in, and I think gender inequality subliminally exists, in some aspects more than others. Some people say “I support women’s right but I’m not a feminist.” I think they’re missing that it’s the same thing, the ultimate message is equality and if you support that, then congrats you’re a feminist (label or not).
Extremity is the wrong idea where it’s like “that guy was eyeing at me and so that’s sexism” it’s unfair and injustice, and that’s where people get the idea of man hating.
You can’t always blame the guy, many times the girl is at fault too and that’s the scary part, some lie and get away with it, both genders. That’s the scary part. Especially when it’s false rape claim, it casts a shadow on everyone who has legitimately been through something. It’s despicable. Because not only are you making yourself look bad, you’re making people too hesitant to speak up, people lie about that, claming shit all the time, if it’s false then you should know the consequences of trying to absolutely ruin the life of someone innocent, just because there’s no evidence present doesn’t mean you should take advantage of that, if that keeps happening real victims possibly would be looked as liars too, you shouldn’t have all that power in your hands and use it for the worse.
Over the past 20 years, only 2-10% of rape accusations are proven to be fake, other studies have figures in the same range. The FBI has put the number of “unfounded” rapes – those determined to be false after investigation – at 8%. Imagine, horrifyingly going through something, it taints your soul and how you see yourself as a person, when you finally heal to the extent of being able to speak up about it, nobody believes you because many people before you have made false claims, that’s sickening.
The #MeToo movement is a good example of this, while it’s original phenomenal purpose was to stop men of power from sexually assaulting the women below them, it can also be lied and twisted on such as making something up out of blackmail or hate, because it can destroy a mans life with one allegation. No proof needed.
That’s why men or women, both need to equally respect and support each other, through good and bad, you should never forget your morals because of bad intentions, the truth always comes out, so never be afraid to speak up for what you believe in. The time is now.